[Update 27 January, 2008, 11 AM IST]

Warm Republic day wishes to all indians.
Download TPH #034
(6.93 MB)
The second part of this interesting story is presented here.
What a nice ending for all, Phantom, his lady and Aruna. Interesting the way this magician got the Maharaja with her magic potion. Observe the two having a drink and thereafter she is accompanying him everywhere (even sitting on the same elephant.)
Another thing. Towards the end of the story when 3rd phantom brings his wife to his jungle land, they are seen passing through the planes near The Phantom Head. But this was built by Joonkar in the times of 8th phantom (#S125). So they developed the idea between #S122 and #S125.
Strip: #S122, Indrajal: V23N17~18.

TPH few visitors have gave inputs that ACK blog is showing that its open to selected visitors only!!!
ReplyDeleteCW, ACK blog will be available to all with the first posting which is coming on 28th Jan, 2008 at 8 PM. Let some mystery remain about it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHmm..good idea.
ReplyDeleteTPH it seems you are a bit reluctant about checking and replying to comments over your own blog compared to commenting over other blogs..your last two posts have some non responded comments waiting to be answered.Check it...
Thanks for starting the ACK blog along with ICC and CW.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the diamond Phantom.
I wish somebody posts the 3rd phantoms bride in english.
CW: I must confess this is true but I have my own reasons for this. First, It was getting difficult to have time from my job. Whatever time I got I spent it in scanning this one. Secondly for ACK blog, I was looking for some good template and after testing many, finally decided to keep the current one. It took much time. Hope you understand.
ReplyDeleteGrouchy: thanks and welcome. Many people are intersted in ACKs too and we are also happy to bring it to them.
TPH......great effort,continue the good work.
ReplyDeleteDo you have some English DC'S?
Can we hope to see some here?
Not often,atleast once in a while.
Hope you consider that.
Btw,congrats for starting ACK blog...great job done.
hey man ..... thanks in advance (for 28th jan 8:00 pm post)
ReplyDeletei think there will be rush at that time because many people are going to hit the book ....
and finally thanks a lot for the diamond book too....
sorry ... the above message was by me ...
ReplyDeleteTPH i can understand the busy natured schedule of a family man.
ReplyDeleteGrouchy i am having the English version of the Diamond Digest recently posted by TPH..lets hope i could post it someday.
Did I say, Fantastic work..
ReplyDeleteYou rock dude... great effort, appreciate as always :)
Great story, great end. Thanks TPH. The Phantom chronicles never fail to entertain!
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have the comic series in which Rex's identity is discovered? It would be great to read this one.
- Ruchi.
Chandan: Sorry. Old english comics are hard to find here. Thanks for feedback.
ReplyDeleteDholey: Welcome. Lets see how it is recieved.
CW: I would like to see its indrajal version if somebody can post it.
Ubermann: Thanks for such big encouraging words. You are most welcome.
Ruchi: The 4th phantom was half indian. So we have our share in phantom dynasty.
ReplyDeletethanks for the 2nd part, many visitors have also asked me the same question,, that they r not invited... i suggest u make it private for the time being
TPH i am having its Hindi Indrajal version and English Diamond Digest version.Though there is no such reservation in posting its Indrajal Version but personally i will be preferring to post its Diamond English version as in that the name of "India" is mentioned more than once whereas in Indrajal version the name is changed to "Jenia"..and i would love so see the name of India being mentioned and Phantom coming to his "Sasural" to find his bride.
ReplyDeletehi ! i just tried to access to the aCK blog and it says its open only to invited people..how do i get a invitation..please send me a invite.
ReplyDeletethank you
ICC: its a matter of few hours only.
ReplyDeleteCW: Its the nostalgia that keeps us stuck to these comics. We all read it first in indrajal comics so it will always have an added effect. I think diamonds are defeated on this account. Anyway if you prefer english diamond can you please send me the covers of IJC version so that I can add them to this post.
Masayo: I think you have got the answer by now. Please wait till 8 PM today, it will be available to all.
TPH sure i will be sending you the covers or rather i should have sent earlier by anticipation.
ReplyDeleteAnyway i will be mailing them to you soon.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all of you for new blog! Working Together - Strength in Solidarity.
ReplyDeleteTPH,tell me was octon exposed in any of comics published by IC's?
ReplyDeleteThen again as u said,is the story so big as to cover 3 DC's?
Most imporatant,will you be posting it?
Dont mind but frankly speaking i think requesting is the only thing i do best.Anyway hoping for your positive nod.
thanks prabhat.
ReplyDeletechandan, it was not published in indrajal. it was published in diamond in three parts but those are thinner than usual diamonds. As i said earlier i have only part 2 and 3. looking for part 1. if i get it, will post all three. you are most welcome.
TPH & Chandan: I am having Mandrake DC #18,19 and 20 but i haven,t read it earlier hence was not knowing about the story of it.Later from information by TPH i read it and found the story was somewhat loosely edited having a abrupt end,also it leaves some doubt on Kobra being Octon as Lucifer says in it the he 'acquired' control over Octon rather then clearly declaring of him being Octon from the very beginning.Hence there is some element of doubt left over by Falk on the issue of Kobra being Octon from beginning or he later acquired the seat of Octon.
ReplyDeleteAnyway TPH if you wish to post it on your blog then i can send you the scans of 1st part.
just wanted to say:
ReplyDeleteexcellent work!
keep it up
CW: I think there is one more cobra-octon adventure after this where is was made clear that both are same persons. About sending scans I'll be contacting through mail.
ReplyDeleteFrank: Thanks you. Most welcome.
comic seens and story are just my life believe me guys its my life can not live with out it so its better to be word of commics