Here comes the first episode of Mandrake Sunday story S007 - 'The Treasure Hunt'. (Original publication dates: 5 September 1937 to 20 March 1938).
The credit for this sunday goes to Venkit who sent me at least four different versions. I was already having another (magazine) version so all in all five different sets of scans are used to produce this Mandrake story.
1. Australian Women's Weekly - Full pages in English but low resolution.
2. Tiff file format pages - High resolution but bad quality. Many pages missing.
3. Coloured Spanish Magazine version - Very good quality but not in a language most of us can read.
4. English coloured version posted by him on Balaji's blog - Many pages are translation jobs from Swedish or some other language and hence not the original Lee Falk dialogues.
5. English magazine version (with me) - Many pages missing.