
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mandrake Sunday Strip 007 - The Treasure Hunt (week 1)

Here comes the first episode of Mandrake Sunday story S007 - 'The Treasure Hunt'. (Original publication dates: 5 September 1937 to 20 March 1938).

The credit for this sunday goes to Venkit who sent me at least four different versions. I was already having another (magazine) version so all in all five different sets of scans are used to produce this Mandrake story.

1. Australian Women's Weekly - Full pages in English but low resolution.
2. Tiff file format pages - High resolution but bad quality. Many pages missing.
3. Coloured Spanish Magazine version - Very good quality but not in a language most of us can read.
4. English coloured version posted by him on Balaji's blog - Many pages are translation jobs from Swedish or some other language and hence not the original Lee Falk dialogues.
5. English magazine version (with me) - Many pages missing.

My job on this one is limited to extracting the best possible page from one of the above and impose the english dialogues on spanish ones using photoshop. While doing so I have tried to use as much originals as possible. Only for those pages which are not available in good quality or size, I have hand typed the dialogues in speech balloons.

Till today about half the story is ready for posting and I am still working on the remaining pages. The final product will be complete in all sense and we shall have this classic tale in full colours.

About colouring quality (and it is not my job this time, let me mention again) in the first two pages is mediocre at the best. But remaining pages are nicely done. I am sure you are going to enjoy this classic tale. I personally loved it.

Again many thanks to Venkit for his untiring efforts in bringing about such golden classics to light.

week 1


  1. Thanks for your efforts on this one. The wonderful Spanish scans are courtesy Teo, an avid Mandrake fan from Spain. Lothar has also used some of his Spanish scans.

    Once everything is done, I hope you will put out a link for all strips together. You can probably try the same thing with "The Santa Claus Pirate" using the Swedish color scan and the English dialogues already available with you or from Lothar's blog.

    Thanks once again.

  2. Welcome and thanks for information about Teo. Good to know about another Mandrake fan.

    I'll surely put a link once it is complete but it is taking more time than my initial estimate. Some dialogues have colored backgrounds, which requires additional effort while copy pasting so that the dialogues may blend with the background.

    I'll like to work on Santa Claus Pirate as well. Let's see when it can be possible.
