It's time to stand up and get counted against the ever growing cancer of corruption paralysing the growth of the nation. I am with Anna in this fight.
Now for comics. A lot of talk goes on about declining standards of Phantom stories. The current strips do not stand anywhere against the classics of Falk. On the other hand it is good to see spiderman stories keeping the standards and the creators producing really nice reads. The presented comic has two stories. The second one is the one that I am talking about. It is really heart-touching to read and has a good re-read value. One of those you'd enjoy reading again. Beautiful.
Download Spiderman - 03 (Hindi)
(Just 6.4 MB, 1200 px wide, 24 pages)
Note -
(1) More spiderman comics posted in this blog can be found
(2) This comic was scanned some two years ago. Posting quite late.